Tales from the Australian road part 2: Exploring our favourite gems in Betty
Discovering hidden treasures: The Grampians, VIC
Yoohoo! So, this week I wanted to chat about our very favorite places we traveled to in Betty.
First up, The Grampians, VIC. This area of Australia is wildly beautiful and absolutely took our breath away with the vastness of open views. I wonder if any of you may have visited?
Due to its popularity, the free camping here was busy! But, I remember it felt nice to be part of the hubbub as we had often free camped in quiet areas or sometimes even on our own. I really used to love this about traveling in the van, that we could dip in and out of being social (or anti-social haha!) as we pleased.
If you’re not sure what The Grampians are or where they are you must Google them right now!
Whilst here, we visited Brambuk the National Park & Cultural Centre and truly this had such a huge impact on how I viewed Australia as a whole for the rest of our trip, and beyond. It was the only place in Australia that we visited that laid bare all the atrocities that happened during colonization in all their grit. There was no whitewashing or sugar coating of the facts which happened in exhibitions in the major cities. This is also an amazing thing about travel, it takes you to unexpected places and unexpected experiences all the time.

Dreamy encounters: Shark Bay, WA
This was such a dreamy place. In my mind I can see the photos I took here; the lost photos. The waters here were so shallow and we got to see a common shovelnose ray literally at our feet. It was INCREDIBLE. We saw his eyes gazing at us. And then out of the corner of our eyes, we saw two dark shadows swishing towards us from our left and right…turns out they were lemon sharks, so we swiftly legged it!!

Holiday vibes: Monkey Mania
Lastly, Monkey Mia. It felt like serious holiday territory here as opposed to traveling territory. Believe me, there is a difference! I absolutely loved it here, white sands, warm water with dolphins swimming around us with their babes. Oh, and we met a pelican on the beach which I still have a snap of!
Oh, van life, the places a camper can take you. I miss it, but am so thankful we have these memories and I really would love to be able to gift this way of traveling to someone else (for a cheeky fiver ). There’s something so different about traveling in your van as opposed to in a hotel or a B&B…it feels like a magical cuddle!
I wonder where you would travel to in Luella?
Love Mollie
You could WIN a luxury campervan!
Here’s a quick reminder about Luella, our light, bright and airy campervan worth £45K that is up for grabs! She comes fully furnished, with the chance to choose her exterior colour wrap or design!
If you’re up for a new adventure, check out the competition to see the amazing prize!